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Elder Scrolls Tang Mo

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The Ka Po' Tun, formerly known as the Po' Tun, are a tiger-like 'cat-folk' race present on the continent of Akavir. Along with the Kamal, Tang Mo, and Tsaesci, they are one of the four remaining races on the continent. They are described as being tiger-like cat folk, possibly similar in appearance to the Khajiit and Lilmothiit. It is suggested that they are similar to Khajiit in terms of body.

  1. This mod allows you to visit the continent of Akavir. I have 6 Tsaesci towns, the Tsaesci capitol, Kaal Vah, and the ruined Imperial Province of Akavir finished. I plan on releasing the mod by country, the first release will be Tsaesci, then Kamal, then Ka Po' Tun, and finally Tang Mo.
  2. Sep 05, 2019.

Akavir Races

8. Akavir

Monkey People

All the current Elder Scrolls games have been set in Tamriel, but there are actually two major continents on the world of Nirn - Tamriel and Akavir. Akavair is set off to the far east of the Tamriel mainland, and is composed of four main nations: Kamal, Tang Mo, Ka'Po'Tun, and Tsaesci.

Kamal is inhabited by demons which thaw once a year to attack Tang Mo - the home of the Monkey-People. Throughout the history of Akavir, the various other nations have looked down on and attacked Tang Mo. There is a particular hatred for the Snake-People of Tsaesci, and Tang Mo has allied themselves with Ka'Po'Tun against their mutual enemy. Ihome wireless keyboard and mouse drivers for mac.

Ka'Po'Tun was the birthplace of Tiger-People and dragons. Following the Tsaesci attempt to wipe out all the dragons - during which the red ones were enslaved and the black escaped - the Tiger-People then attempted to transform themselves into dragons. Eso how to get combat pets. So far, only their ruler has succeeded. Their current goal is the destruction or subjugation of Tsaesci.

Tang Mo The Elder Scrolls

Tsaesci is the largest most powerful of the four nations. According to history, they are the only Akavir nation to launch a successful attack on Tamriel. For four hundred years, they even had a bloodline rule Cyrodil Empire. Cen tech multimeter p35017 owners manual. As a vampiric serpent race, they keep enslaved goblins for blood and labour.

Despite featuring several pseudo-humanoid races, humans themselves are scarce at best. One tale says that the Tsaesci consumed them,but other sources claim that humans are kept by the Snake-People as servants. Akavir would make for four brilliant games, and could greatly expand the Elder Scrolls mythos by introducing the second great Nirn landmass. As well as the original home of the dragons and the Blades, Akavir appears to have Eastern influences which were reflected in the Sky Haven Temple and Blades equipment in Skyrim. Although we might not be swinging through Tang Mo as a monkey person in the immediate future, Bethesda can easily make several consecutive games set in the unexplored world further down the line.

Elder Scrolls Tang Mo

Elder Scrolls Morrowind Tang Mo


Elder Scrolls Tang Mo

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